Got a Question About Producing? Come to our Free Online Town Hall.

I like getting people together.

Especially when those people are passionate about the theater . . . whether that’s producing it, writing it, directing it . . . or just going to see it.

One of the my “favorite things” from last year was when we gathered a whole ton of passionate theater people together online, for a free online town hall.  I had a blast, and based on the emails I got the next day, you all liked it too.

So I said, we should do it again!  And we are!  Next Wednesday, March 22nd at 7 PM ET to be exact!

In case you missed it last year, here’s what the Town Hall is all about . . .

The inspiration came to me one afternoon while checking my inbox.  I noticed that so many of the questions I get emailed on a daily basis were similar . . . raising money, finding directors, crowdfunding, etc.  So, I thought, maybe I could help some more folks if I had a Town Hall and answered some of these questions . . . and everyone on the call could hear the answers.

And it’s that simple.  And, by the way, it’s also that free.

If you have a question or just want to listen to other people’s questions (and my answers), click here to sign up for the Town Hall next Wed, 3/22 at 7 PM.

(One note – ProducersPerspectivePRO members will have priority “boarding” to asking a question.  They’ll go first and then we’ll take general Qs.  The Town Hall is scheduled for an hour, and we’ll get to as many questions as possible (if you have taken a webinar of mine then you know I always go a bit over).  If you want to guarantee you get to ask a question, click here to join PRO. )

To join our Town Hall for free, just click here.  

I look forward to talking with you soon!



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Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.