I just got back from London, and the theater scene is booming.

I just got back from London, and the theater scene is booming.

As I walked around and took in shows and took meetings, I noticed that there were several things that the London scene has MORE of than NYC.

Here are 🔟 things that London has more of . . .

👉 MORE Immersive Theater

Maybe it’s because the revolutionary company Punch Drunk originates from London, but they’ve got more immersive options in London than anywhere else I’ve seen. From Mamma Mia The Party to The Guys & Dolls!

👉 MORE Theaters period!

They’ve everywhere. It helps that there is no distinction between Broadway and Off Broadway. Just look at this map of all the spaces for shows! (Oh, and we should steal this map idea too – on a construction site wall!)

👉 MORE Young Producers

There are more young producers not only producing, but making a living producing. I met them in their offices, I met them at the theater. They are everywhere. A business model that allows young producers to make theater and make a living secures the future of the art form and the business.

👉 MORE Original Work

I saw more new musicals over there in a week that I’d never heard of based on original ideas than we get in a whole season. The economics allow artists and audiences to take more risks, which only fuels more exciting theater in the future.

👉 MORE Casinos

London has casinos on almost every block in the heart of the theater district. (You have to be a “member” to enter.) With the debate about a Times Square casino raging amongst theater folks and retail folks, it was interesting to see these dot every other block. Please note – I’m not saying I’m in favor of a Times Square casino – because a US Casino and a London one are big ol’ differences. (But I’d be curious to know what the theater district feels about them.)

👉 MORE Ticket Brokers

I’ve written about this before, but I love seeing storefronts selling tickets everywhere. The more places to buy, the more you’ll see. It’s the democratization of the purchase process.

👉 MORE Shared Offices

A lot of producers and creatives share offices. I’ve always thought that shared synergy would create more theater and decrease the feel of competition.

👉 MORE Sandwich Boards

Sandwich boards make people think of cheesy marketing – but they’re all over classy London theaters. And they work. They’re right in eyesight – and they can be modified to market what’s happening THAT moment.

👉 MORE Theaters that serve Tea!

Love the Drury Lane that allows you to enter any time, check out the art, and sit down for some tea. It has become my London office in the afternoons.

👉 MORE Shows, Concerts, Events and More on dark nights.

London Real Estate, like NY Real Estate, is super expensive. So they don’t let it sit empty if they can avoid it. There are concerts (which are increasing in number as a development option), family shows and mores when the mainstage show is dark. You got the space, use it!


London has more of my family over there.


Have you been to London lately? What have you noticed over there that they have more of? And would you like that here?

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Got a comment on this article?  I want to hear it!  I write these articles because I believe the world is a better place if there is more theater in it.  And there is only more theater in the world if we’re talking about how to make more theater and better there.

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Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.