Introducing The Producer’s Perspective PODCAST!

I tweet-teased this a few weeks ago, but now it is officially official.  The Producer’s Perspective Podcast is live!

I’ve been wanting to start a Podcast for a couple of years, actually.  But I couldn’t find the angle.  What would I talk about that I don’t talk about on the blog?  What would make it different?

And then it dawned on me.  Maybe I should just shut up and let other people . . . really cool people . . . give me and you their perspective on everything Broadway and beyond.

So that’s what I’m doing!

Each and every week, on Mondays, I will release a 30 minute episode of The Producer’s Perspective Podcast featuring me interviewing a Broadway pro.  I’ll talk to everyone from Directors to Designers to Advertising Execs and sure, a few Broadway Producers as well.  We’ll talk about how they got where they are, what they think about the current state of Broadway, and where they think it’s going.

I’ve laid down a few of these already, and they are awesome.

I can’t promise great acoustics.  I can’t promise a radio voice like Shadoe Stevens.  But I can promise some really cool insights into our industry that you won’t be able to hear anywhere else.

Are you ready?

First up to be featured on the podcast is none other than superpower press agent Rick Miramontez, who reps a bazillion Broadway shows, and also was the mouthpiece for that little show that no one has ever heard of, Spider-Man.

To listen to Episode 1 of the Podcast on this blog, click here.

To listen to Episode 1 of the Podcast on iTunes, click here (and subscribe!).

And make sure you are a subscriber to this blog (click here) so you can be the first to know when the new podcasts go up.  Because I’ve got some super guests coming up.



(Got a comment? I love ‘em, so comment below! Email Subscribers, click here then scroll down to say what’s on your mind!)

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– Listen to Episode 1 of my new Podcast.  Click here.

– Win 2 tickets to Application Pending Off-Broadway!  Click here.

– Are you an actor?  Or know one that needs a New Year’s boost?   Click here for info on the How To Market Yourself as an Actor teleseminar.  One night only!!!


Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.