Podcast Episode #18 – Playwright, Performer and even Entrepreneur, Charles Busch.

I met the award winning actor and author Charles Busch (The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife, Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, etc.) just a couple of weeks ago, and immediately asked him to do my podcast.

“So when you get back from dinner just send me a text,” I said.

He looked at me with those eyes that could only mean one thing . . . he didn’t know how to text.

“Ok, no problem.  I’ll send you a text.  Just give me your phone number,” I quickly shot back.

“Uh,” he stammered.  “And where would I find that?”

Yep, he didn’t know his phone number.

Lucky for you, we figured it out (I called myself from his phone and bingo, we were connected), because this podcast is one of the most inspirational yet.  In it you’ll hear how a guy that doesn’t know his own phone number went out and built his incredible award winning career, by sheer willpower and passion.   Listen in to hear . . .

  • Why not getting cast in his college productions was the best thing that ever happened to him.
  • What made him start performing in drag.
  • Why he hates the word “mainstream.”
  • How Vampire Lesbians . . . one of the longest running shows in Off Broadway history, started out as a sketch.
  • And more . . .

I’m a big believer that every successful person, including artists, has an innate business sense, whether they know it or not.  Charles may not know his phone number, or how to send a text message, but he knows the recipe for a successful artist, and after listening to this podcast, you will too.

Click here to listen.

Listen to it on iTunes here.  (And give me a rating, while you’re there!)

Download it here.


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Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.