Podcast Episode #16 – Broadway Casting Director Bernie Telsey describes the magic of casting.

You might think a podcast featuring one of the most powerful casting directors in the biz is just for the actors out there.

And why sure, if you’re an actor, you’re going to hear about 147 takeaways on how to get a leg up on your competition by listening to this 30 minute sess with Bernie Telsey, Broadway’s casting wizard.

But since casting is one of the most important elements of creating and producing a show, this one is a must for all theater pros out there.

You see, plays and musicals were not meant to be read.  They were meant to be spoken.  Sung.  ACTED.  How those words, lyrics, and notes are interpreted can mean the difference between success or failure.  So it’s imperative that you understand the entire process, from the release of the casting breakdown to final callback.

And who better to explain that mystical process to us than Bernie Telsey, caster of almost everything?

Listen to this podcast and hear:

  • Why a Casting Director is just like a Designer.
  • What it was like seeing Idina Menzel audition for Rent before she was Idina Menzel.
  • How talent has changed in the last twenty years.
  • What Bernie looks for when actors walk in the room.
  • The difference between casting theater and tv/film.
  • And oodles more . . .

Oh, and if you didn’t know, Bernie is also the Artistic Director of MCC (responsible for this season’s Hand to God) so this podcast is like a 2 for 1!  (You’ll also hear what Bernie has in common with Todd Haimes.)

Listen, download, and enjoy.

Click here to listen.

Listen to it on iTunes here.  (And give me a rating, while you’re there!)


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Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.