Actors for 2011 Summer Shakespeare Festival – Old Globe Theatre

WHO: Old Globe Theatre

SEEKING: Actors for 2011 Summer Shakespeare Festival

MIRANDA and COSTANZE. Female. Late teens-early 20s (actress must be over 18). Any ethnicity.
MIRANDA (The Tempest). Prospero's daughter, whom he brought with him to the island when she was still a small child. Is a product of her limited experience having grown up on the island in virtual solitude. Her perceptions of other people tend to be naïve and non-judgmental. She is compassionate, generous, and loyal to her father. Doubles with:
COSTANZE WEBER (Amadeus). Mozart’s wife. Spirited, impulsive, and at times immature. Is both delighted and embarrassed by her husband’s antics. Insecurity stems from constant awareness that she is of a lower class than Mozart, and of attention he gives to other women.

ARIEL and CLAUDIO. Male. Early 20s- early 30s. Any ethnicity. Actor should be extremely charismatic and have an other-worldly quality about him.
ARIEL (The Tempest). A powerful spirit in the service of Prospero. Seeks freedom throughout the play. Mischievous and ubiquitous. MUST BE AN EXCELLENT SINGER Doubles with:
CLAUDIO (Much Ado). A young soldier in Don Pedro's outfit. Impulsive and a romantic. His ability to be manipulated by Don John and lack of reason almost cost him his beloved.

FRIAR FRANCIS/ALONSO or SEBASTIAN/TBD. Male. 40s-50s. Any ethnicity.
FRIAR FRANCIS (Much Ado). A trusted ally to Leonato. Believes that the ends justify the means. Is the mastermind behind Hero feigning death in order to be proven innocent and ultimately reunited with Claudio. Reps with:
ALONSO. King of Naples and father of Ferdinand. Aided Antonio in unseating Prospero as Duke of Milan years before. Over the course of the play, he comes to regret his past actions and desires reconciliation with Prospero.
SEBASTIAN. Alonso’s brother. Wicked and underhanded. Antonio easily persuades him to agree to kill his own brother. Is unrepentant throughout the play. Also reps with:

WHEN: Los Angeles auditions will be held Dec. 21, by appointment only. Shows will be performed in rotating repertory. 1st rehearsal: April 19, 2011, 1st preview: May 29, 2011, Opening: June 12, 2011, Closing: September 25, 2011

PAY: $750/week minimum

HOW TO APPLY: Send Headshot/Resume to subject: 2011 Shakes Fest. Casting


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