Podcast Episode #12 – Broadway General Manager Wendy Orshan on modern day management.

You know what I love about our industry?  Of the eight or so Broadway General Managers that GM 99% of all Broadway shows, at least half of them are women.  That’s right, the top of our business food chain isn’t an old boys’ club at all.  And that’s awesome.

I was lucky enough to get Nina Lannan to share her secrets of managing a Broadway show back on episode #3, and this week, you are lucky enough to get to listen to the smart and supportive comments of another one of our Broadway superpowers, Wendy Orshan, of 101 Productions.

Along with her partner at 101 Productions, Jeff Wilson (who was the 1st Company Manager I ever met, back in 1993 when I was the PA/Kid-who-got-Richard-Chamberlain-his-fresh-roasted-turkey-sandwiches on the revival of My Fair Lady), Wendy has GMed a truckload of shows from Spamalot to The Elephant Man to The Addams Family to The Bridges of Madison County and so many more it’s crazy.

And what’s so awesome about Wendy is that despite that mile long resume, she’s gotta be the most humble person in the industry.  And that’s why people love working with her.  So much experience, so much expertise, yet so welcoming to everyone.

That’s also why a lot of first time Producers sign on with 101.  She takes them under her wing, teaching and protecting, until they can fly off on their own.

And that’s why she made such an awesome guest on my podcast.  Tune in to listen to Wendy talk about:

  • Her definition of the Broadway show hierarchy or wheel-archy, and where a General Manager fits.
  • Why sometimes working within the box is as important as thinking outside the box.
  • The skills you need to produce and manage today that you didn’t need yesterday.
  • Whether or not she would ever produce and why or why not.
  • Her opinion on whether stars matter . . . or not.

There aren’t any masters programs out there in Broadway General Management.  But if there were, Wendy would be the professor.  Do yourself a favor and listen in.

Click here to listen.

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Download it here.


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Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.