Who reads The Producer’s Perspective? Survey says . . .

Thanks to everyone who took last week’s Producer’s Perspective survey!  And now, it’s time for the results!  Just who is reading what you’re reading right now?

I’ve posted some of the data that I thought you’d get a kick-line out of below.  Oh, and I may have tossed in a comment or two amidst the data (are you surprised?) so bear with me.  For those chess nerds players out there, if I was shocked by a stat, I used the chess notation for suprise (!).


55.38% Male
44.62% Female


18.33%  19-25
13.35%  26-30
18.33%  31-40
17.13%  41-50
18.33%  51-60
7.57%  61+
6.97% Under 18.

I was excited to see that almost 57% of you, a definite mandate, are under the age of 40.


91.43% of you are in the US

The top two countries outside the US that have PP readers are Canada and Australia (which has 3x the number of readers as the UK.  Was it something I said, Great Britain?).

In this country, the top five states are:

44.4% NY
5.72% CA
7.78% NJ
2.90% IL
2.52% FL (!)

No CT?  And where are my fellow Red Sox fans from MA?


72.43% of you work in the “biz” in the following capacities:

24.70%  Producer
24.10%  Theater Admin
17.13%  Performer (!)
14.94%  Writer
14.54%  Director/Choreographer

I was thrilled to see the performer #s as high as they are because I love it when artists get more involved in the business of what we do . . . and I think all of us business peeps should take more time to learn more about what it’s like to be an artist.  Understanding each other and where we come from helps prevent conflicts.


28.29%  Friend
23.31%  Search

Once again, Word-of-Mouth is King, with Google as its Queen.  These two elements could be the foundation of 100 different ad campaigns for products of all shapes and sizes.


You like when I talk about Producing, Marketing and insidery information.  A bunch of you are peeved at the Giveaways because the prizes are generally only for the 44% of you that live in NY.  So, point taken.  We’ll look for some globally appropriate giveaway gifts in the coming weeks.

As I did the first time I surveyed my readers a couple of years ago, I learned a ton by asking you all these 10 or so questions.  Your feedback will be ringing in my ears every night as I write, and I’ll try to make the blog a better place, for you and me (cue this song).

But USA for Africa aside, feedback loops are an essential part of the development of any product that changes over time and depends on new customers every day . . . and surprise, surprise, I’m talking about theater.

If you don’t have a system to take surveys set up for whatever it is you are producing, take the time to do it today.  The quicker you start learning what your customers like and most importantly what your customers don’t like, the quicker you can actually get more customers.

Here are two survey companies I recommend:



Survey Monkey

Thanks again, everyone!


(Got a comment?  I love ’em, so comment below!  Email subscribers, click here, then scroll down, to say what’s on your mind!)



– Enter to win 2 tickets to The Illusion Off-Broadway!  Click here.

– Seminars in Chicago, the weekend of July 9th.  Click here!



Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.