The Last Ship Equity Principle Auditions – Telsey+Company

WHO: The Last Ship/Telsey+Company

Producers: Jeffrey Seller and Kathryn Schenker
Score: Sting
Book: Brian Yorkey
Dir: Joe Mantello
Mus Sprvsr: Rob Mathes
Mus Dir: Dan Lipton
GM: John Corker
Casting: Telsey + Company/ Bethany Knox

SEEKING: (all roles are available):
GIDEON (30s): Leading man. Charismatic, charming, cynical, worldly-wise; quick to buy a round or throw a fist, slow to open his heart. Grew up around the shipyards of Newcastle, got out as soon as he could, coming home to come to terms with his family, his history, and his future. Strong tenor, rock/folk/legit. MEG (30s): Gideon’s ex, though she’d never define herself that way. Tough, funny, and beautiful. A single mom, she’s resourceful, determined, and unsentimental. Has lived her life around the shipyards, and can hold her own with anyone. Mezzo with strong mix.
FATHER O’BRIEN (60s-70s): Irish Catholic, in the old-school way. Parish priest and Michael’s boss, but also, unofficially, the chaplain of the shipyard and the shepherd to the men who work there. By turns a comedian, a confessor, and prophet. Baritone.
ARTHUR COOK (40s – 50s): Meg’s husband. Former shipyard worker, now a titan of industry. Self-made, and in the manner of self-made men, confident, assertive, and jealous of all that’s his. Would like to think he’s worldly and cultured. Baritone.
JACKIE WHITE (50s): Foreman of a Newcastle shipyard. Brooks no nonsense, but enjoys his fun. A leader of men, a seasoned hand, and a genial wit on the job; and, after hours, informal master of ceremonies at the pub. Bari-tenor.
PEGGY WHITE (50s): The nurse of the shipyard, every bit as weathered, durable, and bawdy as the boys. Jackie White’s common-law wife. Lusty alto.
TOM/YOUNG GIDEON (15-18): Tom is Meg’s son, taciturn and troubled, looking for his place in the world. Actor must be able to play ages 15 to 18, and doubles as Young Gideon. Rock/folk/legit tenor.
YOUNG MEG (15-18): Vivacious, pretty, smarter than all the boys but still enjoys their company. Her own woman from a young age. Strong mix.
AGNES: (70s) Housekeeper to Father O’Brien, keeper of the rectory, conservative, devout, and very devoted to Father O’Brien. Non-singing. Instead of a song, prepare a dramatic monologue, 2 minutes or less.

REQUIREMENTS: Please prepare a brief pop/rock ballad. Bring sheet music in the correct key; an accompanist will be provided, but may not transpose. Please bring a photo and resume, stapled back-to-back.

WHEN: Equity Principal Auditions:
Monday, March 26, 2012 Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Wednesday, March 28, 2012
10 AM – 6 PM (except for 3/27, which begins at 10:30).
Lunch from 1:30 – 2:30.

WHERE: Telsey + Company 315 West 43rd Street, 10th Floor New York City

PAY: Special Agreement Staged Reading Contract (ref. Off-Broadway) $478/week minimum.


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