The Sunday Giveaway: Everyone is a winner! Free tickets to Around The World in 80 Days!

How many times have you entered a Sunday Giveaway and lost miserably only to scream and shout, “Dangit, Ken Davenport, I never effin’ win your Giveaway!”

Well, stop your cussing, because this week, every single one of you is a winner.

The Producer of the new Off Broadway production of Around The World in 80s Days (which stars my favorite improv troupe, The Nuclear Familyis giving away tickets to all Producers Perspective readers (supplies are limited, duh).

That’s right, no need to comment, no need to facebook . . . you won already.

Seems like a crazy idea, right?  To give all these tickets away in a pretty public forum?

Well, it is . . . but it just may be crazy enough to work.

How do I know?

I did it myself.

Years ago, on The Awesome 80s Prom (which featured one of the cast members of Around The World), when I was just about out of money, my ad agency (the late, great, Eliran Murphy Group), told me to cut all my advertising (!) and get as many people as I could into the show.  (Pretty amazing that an ad agency would recommend cutting advertising, no?).  That afternoon I went home and sent out mass emails to friends at major companies in the city and told them to send it around to every employee that they could.  I avoided the papering companies (ewww) and came up with my own strategic comping.

The emails went viral.  I filled up the next four weeks of shows (we needed full audiences in order for everyone to have an awesome time), and after those four weeks the show started making money . . . and never looked back.

Oh, and nine years later, it’s still running.

This kind of bold promotion may just be what the Off-Broadway Doctor ordered for a brand new show like Around The World.  It’s a helluva lot cheaper than ads in the Times, that’s for sure . . . and it gets word-of-mouth spreadin’ bodies into the show, and fast.

So, use the info below to get your tickets today and go see the show.  Support Off-Broadway.  Support a bold Producer.  What have you got to lose . . . it’s free.  (And as you can tell from the photo, a quite a lot of money has been spent on this production – it’s one of the biggest Off-Broadway spectacles I’ve seen in a small (newly renovated) space.)

Enjoy!  And now, you can never say you haven’t won anything.  🙂

To get your Free Tickets to Around The World:

1) Print out this blog and bring it to The New Theater at 354 West 45th Street. It will be good for same-day performances. The Box Office opens Tue – Sun at 12pm. (First come, first served. Only one free ticket per person.)

If you value certainty, you can reserve your tickets at:


3) Call 212-947-8844 and use the code “FREEDOM”

From the Producer of Around The World:  To reduce the number of no-shows, an online reservation will require a deposit of $20 plus a convenience fee of $6 and a handling charge of $2.25 for Telecharge web and phone orders. Upon picking up your ticket at Will Call, you will receive a Crisp, Shiny New $20 Bill as a gesture of thanks for your faith that my production will deliver what critics already know. (Yes, if you don’t show up, I keep the $20.)


(Got a comment? I love ‘em, so comment below! Email Subscribers, click here then scroll down to say what’s on your mind!)

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– Only 7 performances of Macbeth left!  Get tix.

– The next Broadway Investing 101 Seminar is on July 13th.  Click here to register.

– Like this blog?  Like me on Facebook!  And thanks in advance.  Click here.


Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.