Shall we play a game? The ‘Be A Broadway Star’ Board Game, that is!

I’ve always loved board games.

I’ve always loved Broadway.

So . . . using the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup theory (putting two things together that are fantastic on their own with the hopes of creating something even more fantastic), I created a Broadway Board Game called . . . wait for it . . . Be A Broadway Star!

Yep, forget X-Box and iPhone apps, we took it old school.

Inspired by the classic games of everybody’s youth–Life, Monopoly, Encore, Charades, and more–I’m proud to announce that today we are officially releasing a brand new board game where you play the role of a Broadway Star-to-Be!

Fun, right?  Well, wait until you play!

Just like the life of a real wannabe Broadway actor, you’ll roll the dice and go through acting school, buy pictures and resumes, try and get an agent, and of course, audition, audition, and audition some more!

You’ll even get “make or break” moments that challenge your best Broadway skills!

The player that gets to the Broadway Hall of Fame first, and has the most fans, wins!

It’s interactive, it’s Broadway and from what our focus group players said, it’s a heck of a lot of fun!!!

And it goes without saying that we think it’s a must for anyone on your holiday list this year that has ever even uttered the word Broadway.

Buy it online at

The game will be in stores soon, but as with everything I do, I wanted my blog readers to be the first to get it . . . especially since there are only a limited number of games available.  As you can imagine, developing and building a game is quite a process, so we ordered a very small quantity for this first batch. Because the holiday season is approaching, we do expect to sell out fast.  So snatch ’em up.

(Oh, and after you get it, we’ll be having a contest to see who can come up with the best “drinking game” version . . . so start thinking).

Special thanks to Travis Ferguson, Melissa Heller, Blair Ingenthron, Rick Menard, and my entire DTE team for putting in the extra effort to make this happen.  You should have seen their faces the day I came into the office and said, “I wanna make a Broadway Board Game!”  Thanks for helping to make another Davenport dream come true, guys and dolls.

Click here for more info, including how to play . . . Be A Broadway Star!


Ken created one of the first Broadway podcasts, recording over 250 episodes over 7 years. It features interviews with A-listers in the theater about how they “made it”, including 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 7 Academy Award Winners and 76 Tony Award winners. Notable guests include Pasek & Paul, Kenny Leon, Lynn Ahrens and more.